1.7 Applying the Sociological Literacy Framework to Media and Technology
Sociological Eye
Questioning the taken-for-grantedness of human behavior and attitudes.
Selected Examples
- The use of technology and media to demonstrate the extent of police brutality toward and lynchings of Black people
- Macro-, meso-, and microsociological view of the music industry
- The social construction of reality applied to money
Social Structure
The relationships and patterned interaction connecting different individuals, groups, and organizations that endure and shape behavior and attitudes.
Selected Examples
- Gig economy
The process by which people learn about their culture.
Selected Examples
- Teen use of social media
The systematic and unequal distribution of power, status, and resources.
Selected Examples
- Lack of Asian American representation in Hollywood
- Intersectionality
Social Change and Social Reproduction
Definition for Social Change
the process by which people transform the social structure, including social institutions and norms, through interaction.
Definition for Social Reproduction
The process by which people maintain existing social arrangements and structures.
Selected Examples
- The relationship between Covid-19, learning progress, and economic inequality