1.8 Careers
Sociologists study social behavior and the organization of society (U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics, 2024c). They work in universities, government research organizations, and for-profit industries. Entry-level positions usually require a master’s degree. The median annual pay for sociologists is $102,000 or $49 per hour. The occupation is expected to grow faster than average (7%) through 2034. Video 1.1 shares more about this occupation.
Video 1.1
Sociology Careers [1:13]
CareerOneStop. (2018, February 26). Sociologists career video [Video]. YouTube. https://youtu.be/NFvy_Jll8eY?si=FocrXOK36f4-1Wgq.
Market Research Analysts
Market research analysts study business conditions, including what consumers buy and how they use products or services (U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics, 2024b). They work in various industries, from hospitals to businesses. These jobs usually require a bachelor’s degree, though some need a master’s degree. The median annual pay for market research analysts is $74,600 per year or $36 per hour. The occupation is expected to grow faster than average (8%) through 2034. Video 1.2 shares more about this occupation.
Video 1.2
Market Research Analyst Careers [1:21]
CareerOneStop. (2020, May 21). Market research analysts and marketing specialists career video [Video]. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ijEovAUjj-8.
Data Scientist
Data scientists analyze “big data”— the data everyone produces using the Internet, a credit card, a smartphone, and other devices that track user actions. Data scientists typically need a bachelor’s degree in mathematics, statistics, or computer science (U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics, 2024a). Other fields, like sociology, may require a master’s degree for entry-level positions. The median annual pay for data scientists is $108,000 and $52 per hour. The occupation is expected to grow a lot faster than average (36%) through 2034. Video 1.3 shares more about this occupation.
Video 1.3
Data Scientists Careers [1:48]
CareerOneStop. (2023, April 26). Data scientists career video [Video]. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uD8DfbJrqRI.