1.5b A Background in Sociology Supports Diverse Careers

Many readers may have declared their major, while others may still be choosing a major. A major in sociology may or may not fit with a student’s future goals. Sociology, however, can be a beneficial minor and complements many other majors. Due to the wide range of topics that sociologists study, most students will find some overlap with their interests.  

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A Sociology Career can Lead to Jobs in Social Work

A social worker talking to a client at the door
Social Worker Visit [Photograph]. sturti from Getty Images Signature via Canva Pro.

Nursing and Other Healthcare Professions 

Healthcare professionals encounter patients who do not follow doctor’s orders or live lives that are not consistently healthy, such as by consuming a high-fat diet, tobacco, or alcohol. It can be frustrating to have patients who do not follow health advice. However, understanding that a patient may have difficulty following this advice because of their social class or other factors can help healthcare workers provide high-quality. 

Sociology also has a subfield called medical sociology. Medical sociologists study healthcare systems, how race, class, and gender impact health, and the social meaning of health and illness. Medical sociologists can find careers in public health departments, hospitals, or the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. Jennifer Reich is a sociologist who studies why people delay or refuse vaccination. Many news media organizations interviewed her during the COVID-19 vaccine roll-out to help the public understand why people resist vaccines (Scripps National, 2021).


There is a wide range of careers in the business field. A person in business might sell goods or services directly in face-to-face settings, such as selling insurance to individuals. Or they might create social media content to advertise to many potential customers. Market researchers study how sociodemographic groups overlap with marketing groups. Sociology can help market researchers identify these tiny market segments to sell products that match their lifestyles.

Sociology has subfields devoted to economic sociology, work and organizations, and consumption. Further, sociologists study how work and occupations remain gender and racially segregated. A company looking to include more types of people in their organization will use sociological knowledge to identify ways to reduce segregation. For example, Victor Ray (2019) is a sociologist who studies how organizations are racialized. He studies how organizations (such as businesses) have unwritten norms and expectations of behavior influenced by race.


When people become teachers, they learn that not all students come to class with the same resources and support. For example, some students have parents who teachers easily dismiss as “not caring.” These parents typically care deeply about their children’s education. However, factors outside their control prevent them from doing what teachers expect. Their work schedule may prevent them from checking homework in the evening, for instance. Studying inequality can also help educators become aware of their own unconscious biases. As teachers, it can help make our classrooms more accessible and inclusive. There are sociologists that focus on education. These sociologists study schools and education more broadly—some study higher education. For example, Sara Goldrick-Rab studies higher education and is a professor. Because of her research, she testified before the U.S. House of Representatives Committee on Rules about hunger on college campuses (The Hope Center, 2021).

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