1.1 What is Sociology?
LO 1.1: Contrast the sociological eye and the sociological imagination.
Most people casually observe the social world. They observe family members or friends who work hard but never seem to get ahead. They see how some people mistreat others because of their race or gender. They wonder why some people protest, and others do not. Sociologists make observations about the world like anyone. However, sociologists collect data and test theory to explain these observations.
Sociologists study the social world. The social world includes culture and social institutions like the economy and education. They use scientific methods to understand human behavior and attitudes. Sociologists seek to explain patterns of behaviors and attitudes. Sociology is the scientific study of the behavior and attitudes of people and groups.
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Sociologists May Study Why People Protest

The Sociological Eye and the Sociological Imagination
Scientists have a unique view of the world called the sociological eye. This view is based on the knowledge gained in their field. The sociological eye is a perspective focusing on the taken-for-granted human behavior and attitudes. They study the assumptions people make about the social world. Sociologists focus on how group membership shapes behavior and attitudes (Erikson, 2017).
Moreover, sociologists pay attention to the context in which people are living. C. Wright Mills (1959/2000, p. 3) wrote that “[n]either the life of an individual nor the history of a society can be understood without understanding both.” A sociologist, therefore, might notice a troubling trend like unemployment. They may seek to understand the size of the problem. Further, they collect data to explain why it is occurring. They use the sociological imagination to identify the social forces (or context) affecting social life. The sociological imagination examines the links individuals and groups have with these social forces. Therefore, a sociologist investigates what social forces contribute to unemployment.
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Unemployment is a Public Issue Caused by Many Factors

The sociological imagination connects personal conditions to social forces. Moreover, Mills argued that the sociological imagination can differentiate private troubles from public issues. A private trouble affects an individual, and others may not share the experience. When sociologists identify social forces contributing to a social phenomenon, they have identified a public issue. A public issue affects many people and is outside a person’s control.
For example, some unemployed people choose not to work. However, this choice does not explain why unemployment is high or low in their community. Most unemployment is due to social forces. Further, individual choices are influenced by social forces. Social forces can include the cost of college and vocational training. These costs affect individual choices. People may not have a degree or a license for some jobs because they could not afford the training.
Everyone makes observations and claims about human behavior. However, sociologists methodically observe. They connect those observations to theories of human behavior (Hughes, 1984). Other social scientists (psychologists) and life scientists (biologists) also observe human behavior. They differ in where they direct their focus. Sociologists focus on the social forces affecting group-level behavior and attitudes (Hallinan, 1998). Other kinds of scientists focus on personality or biological factors.
A Sociological Eye on Technology and Media
Sociologists use a sociological eye to study social life related to technology and media. Technology is the use of scientific knowledge to create tools and materials to make life easier. Technologies can range from the simple, like the wheel, to the more complex, like a self-driving vehicle. Media technologies include print, television, radio, and the Internet. These media enable mass communication, which is when a sender has an audience of many. Social media is a form of mass communication using online networks (such as Facebook or Snapchat). Social media users share information with friends and family, acquaintances, and strangers.
Forrest Stuart (2020) is a sociologist who studied young Black men from Chicago’s South Side who create “drill music.” He wanted to understand the meaning of drill music for these creators. Drill music is “hyperviolent, hyperlocal, DIY-style gangsta rap” (Stuart, 2020, p. 3). Its creators imply that the music reflects street life, violence, and crime. These content creators upload drill music videos to social media. If their videos become popular, they can earn money from their videos. While the videos portray the potential for violence, this does not mean violence is happening.
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Young Black Men Use Social Media to Present a Tough Image

Stuart (2020) used ethnographic research methods for his study. In ethnographic research, the researcher becomes immersed in the lives of their research participants. This immersion allows the researcher to understand the meaning people give to their actions. Stuart spent 20-50 hours each week over two years with young men in his study. He interviewed them and took notes based on his observations. Stuart could confirm what his research participants said in his observations. Ethnographic research methods result in deep knowledge of the social phenomena under study.
Stuart’s (2020) results challenged the assumption that portrayals of violence on social media causes violence. He finds these young men use social media to present a tough and violent image as protection. They believe that if people see them as someone who could be violent, then people will leave them alone. Stuart argues violent social media must be understood through the eyes of the people using it.